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Spirit School

ONLINE Classes

Now Enrolling - Learn To Channel with Amy & Nicole

March 2024 - April 2024 cohort

Learn to Channel - Enroll Here

Unlock Your Abilities to Communicate with the Spiritual Realm

Are you curious about connecting with spirit guides, angels, ascended masters and higher self? Are you interested in tapping into your intuition, and receiving divine guidance? Look no further! Our comprehensive and transformative course, Learn to Channel, is here to help you unlock your true potential and establish a direct line of communication with the spiritual realm.

Join today and

  • Meet other students and Receive Mentoring Support on Telegram

  • Join two live group mentoring via video chat - Replays are available

  • Have the opportunity for private apprenticeship with Amy or Nicole at special Spirit School student pricing

“magic is your birthright.”

Nicole Angel


Nicole Angel
Psychic Medium & Angelic Guidance

A naturally born psychic medium who specializes in the Angelic & Spirit realms. Her gift allows her to help people uncover their life’s purpose, soul incarnation wheels and communication with their Guardian Angels, Spirit Guides and Loved Ones who have crossed over.